1) Check in could have been a lot better; i)Signs @Federal Circle,by Howard Beach subway Stn,need to be clearer; I had to ask car rental oeoole where the free hotel shuttle left.ii) Then,' Michelle' from Marriott Freeohone said she could not arrange a callbback from JFK Marriot Resudence hotel ane ' coud not help me'.Why not?!2/.No shuttle bus,when all other hotel- buses arrived at 9pm on.21st Octv24..Luckily,another hotel- driver dropped me off @hotel,where I saw 2 shuttle buses outside it....2/ More positively,I mentioned the above to 'Kevin',a Duty Manager,who apologised for ' Michelle' s' action( or inaction!) and made me feel better about staying at a Marriott hotel in future. Thanks,Kieran Floyd