We arrived at 19:30. The desk clerk did not acknowledge us, We were looked at with irritation. Using translate, I explained that we had made a reservation through Expedia. No, no, no, she replied. full, full, full with serious head shaking! A flip of my screen to show her the reservation and passports were demanded.
After 5 minutes, a key was placed on the counter. All good I thought.
No! I was wrong.. We boarded the elevator to find a piece of sticky tape over the PB (ground) button, a cracked 3 button which didn't work.. So, we pressed 2 and then climbed up to the 3rd floor to our room. No window, no remote for either the aircon or the tv. So, back down to the friendly receptionist who rolled her eyes as I explained the situation. A bit of Spanish later and an assistant arrived, was given remotes.
After 10 minutes, climbing onto the bedside table, wacking the aircon, we had the verdict.. dead! We were advised to wait. 15 minutes later, I was at the desk. 20 min later another room. Similar result, TV but no aircon. We gave up... after being awake for 40 hours, we shut down. The next morning we beat a hasty departure! DO NOT GO THERE!